We are delighted to announce that Year 4 pupil Ethan has come 2nd place in the renowned IAPS Fine Art Competition.

iArt is the Independent Association of Prep Schools’ (IAPS) competition for young artists at member schools.

Thousands of talented young artists have submitted artwork to the competition since it was founded in 2013.

Ethan came second place in the Year 3-4 category with his Three great racing horses piece, representing hope, happiness, and prosperity.

Ethan said “Horses symbolise resilience and freedom in Chinese culture. During the present challenging times of COVID-19 pandemic, I have drawn three great racing horses (Hope, Happiness, and Prosperity) roaming freely in the wilderness as the main theme, to represent life once this pandemic is over. One horse is called Hope, to bring hope to everyone. I wish everyone’s hopes will come true. The other is called Happiness, to bring joy to the world. Finally, Prosperity aims to bring a successful and wonderful life for everyone. I have added a robin, to symbolise a new beginning and good things to come.”

Well done Ethan the whole School is very proud of you and your wonderful artwork. Ethan’s art piece will hang in the IAPS offices for the next 12 months.