Financial Assistance

Bursaries and scholarships

There are a number of different types of financial assistance available at Nottingham High School. Please be aware that all of the below options are only available when applying for a Year 7 place. Then, subject to ongoing assessment of finances, any bursary or scholarship awarded continues throughout the child’s time at Nottingham High School.

Bursary scheme

Nottingham High School operates a bursary support scheme for pupils entering the school at age 11 into Year 7. Bursaries are means-tested based on parental income, and may cover the full or partial cost of tuition fees. Awards of Bursaries will be calculated on an annual basis, and parents will be required to submit details of their finances each May or June. Parents who wish their child to be considered for a Bursary must be prepared to provide confidential information concerning their financial situation.



  1. Fill out our application form and tick the box for a ‘bursary-assisted place’. Submit this by 1st November when your child is in Year 6, at the latest. (For example, if you are applying for your child to start in Year 7 at Nottingham High School in 2025, you will need to submit your application form by 1st November 2024 at the latest.)
  2. In early November we will send out our bursary forms to all applicants. This will ask for full details of your financial circumstances, and will also require you to support these with documentary evidence, submitted by the required deadline.
  3. In January your child will sit our entrance assessment. We award bursary places according to the pupils’ ranking in the assessment and interview, and allocate funds based on the family’s financial circumstances.
  4. Shortly after the entrance assessment process we will let you know if your application has been successful.

For further information please see our Bursary FAQs.



Academic Part Scholarships do not come with a financial element but will be awarded on a honorary basis to the top perfoming students at the end of Year 7.  These cannot be applied for – every student who joins Year 7 will be entered for this.  These are known as the Sir Thomas White entrance scholarships.

Music Scholarship auditions are held within the Music department during the first term of Year 7. As a guide, pupils should be around Grade 4 standard or higher on their principal instrument in order to apply (although they need not have the official examined grades).


Extra Help

The School has a small source of funds upon which it can draw to provide support for uniform, school trips and similar costs. Priority will be given to supporting those on larger bursary support.

If you would like any more information about our fees and financial assistance, feel free to get in touch with our friendly Finance team by emailing

The school’s affiliated 34th Nottingham Scouts group also operates a Centenary Fund to ensure that no pupils who join the group will be excluded from activities, such as the summer camp, due to financial reasons.