Importance of EYFS

In all parts of our School, we believe that children who find learning engaging and fun make the best progress.

We start each topic with a specific event that will draw your child into that area of learning. For example, perhaps a dinosaur egg might appear in the middle of the class or perhaps Hamish, our pet Highland cow, has gone missing and needs to be found. Our experienced and enthusiastic teachers understand that young children need time to consolidate, challenge and develop their learning subconsciously. This is done by allowing them time to engage with activities and specific resources chosen to foster and strengthen their learning. They believe they are playing, we know they are learning! We involve our children in the planning of topics to give them ownership and develop a sense of responsibility towards success goals. We tailor specific 1:1 teaching to meet their discrete requirements and areas of interest and we ensure that we have regular communication with parents from the beginning of the academic year to create a safe and familiar environment for each child. Our curriculum and planning is flexible & adaptable, having the luxury of being able to react ‘in the moment’ with your child to support them on their path of learning. Each child’s journey is a unique and bespoke one and is relevant and purposeful, engaging with what appeals to each child at that point in time. The curriculum is holistic and develops your child through the EYFS so that they are fully ready and raring to transition seamlessly into Year 1.

Dreamstime xxl 49279784The main entry point into the Infant & Junior School is Reception, however we welcome new pupils in all year groups subject to availability.

Admission for Reception follows a child-centred and age appropriate admission process which aims to be play-based and accessible to all. This is split into two parts; an individual activity followed by a group session, to establish if Nottingham High School’s approach to learning is suitable for your child at this stage of their development.

To start your journey with us please fill out the enquiry form and our Admissions team will be in touch with the next steps. We are committed to ensuring a seamless transition for your child into our school, putting them at the heart of our admissions process. We offer Super Nature Squirrel Sessions for two and three year olds, Taster Sessions for three and four year olds, Superhero Squirrel Sessions for three and four years olds as well as our Open Days; all carefully planned to familiarise your child with our School environment and members of staff. Please contact our admissions team at or call 0115 845 2232 to book one of these sessions.