PSHE and RSE at Nottingham High School

Our aim is to share openly with you, as parents and guardians, what we are teaching in PSHE and RSE, from Years 7-11. 

On this page, you will find:
  • Details of lessons by year group
  • Links to sample materials from Year 7, 9 and 11
  • A blog including recent articles from the Merle
  • An overview of our scheme of learning for Years 7-11
  • Signposting for parents/guardians and young people relating to the PSHE/RSE curriculum
  • A quick link to our RSE Policy

Lessons by Year Group

Year 7

Year 7

Year 8

Year 8

Year 9

Year 9

Year 10

Year 10

Year 11

Year 11

Sample Materials

Year 7

PHMW Transition and Safety - Reflection Booklet

PHMW Finding your feet - Lesson SlidesRSE Diversity - Reflection journalRSE Identity Stereotypes Prejudice and Discrimination

Year 9

 PHMW Managing Influence - Lesson SlidesPHMW Peer Influence, substance abuse and gangs - Reflection journalRSE Intimate Relationships - Reflection JournalRSE STI's - Lesson slides

Year 11

PHMW Building for the Future - Reflection Journal

PHMW Managing online stress - Lesson SlidesRSE Communication in relationships - Reflection JournalRSE Stalking and Harassment - Lesson Slides

Recent Blog Article from the Merle

Police visits as part of the PSHE curriculum Schools and Early Intervention Officers


PC Anna Taylor was in school this week to talk to Year 9 about Drugs and County Lines. Our Year 9 had sent her some questions in advance of the session, which Anna had posed to the local Police Drugs education specialist and was pleased to learn some new facts herself! Anna visits each Year group as part of our PSHE Program. She has already talked to Year 7 about travelling safely to and from school and in the next few months will talk to Year 8 about Hate Crime, Year 10 about Extremism and Radicalisation (alongside a member of the local PREVENT team), and being safe in independent contexts to Year 11. Signposting for parents on PSHE topics We know that having conversations about relationships with young people can be challenging! To help with this at home, our Wellbeing Lead, Miss Roanna Coles has put together some parent friendly websites which you may find helpful. A link to these pages can be found here. Please do get in touch if you feel you need more advice or support with dealing with difficult questions. or