Academic Study

Continuing the educational adventure.

Students study a breadth of subjects in the Senior School, at first building the foundations that allow them to explore their interests, then beginning to specialise in their particular passions.


Year 7 & 8

Compulsory subjects: English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Art, Drama, Music, Food and Nutrition, Design and Technology, Computing and ICT Students select 2 of the following 3 languages: French (MFL), German (MFL), Spanish (MFL)

In addition to the above, students also have the following as part of their curriculum: Independent Study, PSHE, Physical Education and Swimming, Games


Year 9

Compulsory subjects: English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Religious Studies

Students select 4 more subjects from the creative subjects and MFLs (at least 1) to study in Year 9: Art, Drama, Music, Food and Nutrition, Design and Technology, Computing and ICT, French (MFL), German (MFL), Spanish (MFL)

In addition to the above, students also have the following as part of their curriculum: Independent Study, PSHE, Physical Education and Swimming, Games


Year 10

Compulsory subjects: English, Mathematics

Students select 7 GCSE subjects to study for their (i) GCSE years. These will include at least two sciences and at least one language. Students can only continue with subjects they have studied during Year 9: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Art, Drama, Music, Food and Nutrition, Design and Technology, Computing and ICT, French (MFL), German (MFL), Spanish (MFL). In addition to the above, students also have the following as part of their curriculum: HPQ (Higher Project Qualification), PSHE, Physical Education and Swimming, Games


Year 11

Compulsory subjects: English, Mathematics

Students select 7 GCSE subjects to study for their (i) GCSE years. These will include at least two sciences and at least one language. Students can only continue with subjects they have studied during Year 9: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Art, Drama, Music, Food and Nutrition, Design and Technology, Computing and ICT, French (MFL), German (MFL), Spanish (MFL).

In addition to the above, students also have the following as part of their curriculum: PSHE, Physical Education and Swimming, Games



All lessons are fully supported by our homework programme. Parents are requested to help by providing a suitable workplace at home for their child and adequate time to fulfil their study commitments. In Year 7 the homework routine starts early in the Autumn Term. Form Teachers will give your child a copy of the individual homework timetable for you to sign and return, thus confirming that you know exactly what should be done and when. All homework is published by the teaching staff on Google Classroom. Parents can access this work by asking their child to show them the site and clicking on the ‘To Do’ button..