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Pastoral Care
Your child’s wellbeing matters to us as much as it does to you.
Only if they are happy and confident will they make the most of the doors that are opened for them; successful education starts with a partnership between the school, pupils and parents.
Communication is key in ensuring a great partnership between you as a parent and us as a school.
Your child’s class or form teacher will know them best, and they will be your first point of contact either in person, by phone or by email. We will also keep in touch through reading records and your child’s homework diary.
In the Infant and Junior School your child will be welcomed into a house community to which they will belong until leaving the Senior School. Your son or daughter will form strong bonds with fellow housemates through the inter-house competitions, developing team spirit and a sense of belonging in equal measure.
Assemblies are held regularly throughout the week and are taken by a variety of staff including the Head and the Deputy Heads. The highlight of our assembly programme is the weekly Achievement Assembly, which takes places in both the Infant and Junior School.
In the Infant School academic effort is rewarded with a ‘Star’ certificate and good behaviour or conduct with a ‘Squirrel’ certificate and the opportunity to take home ‘Nutty’ the School squirrel for the weekend.
In the Junior School we award a ‘Pupil of the Week’ certificate for outstanding academic effort or behaviour. Pupils are welcome to bring in medals, certificates and trophies awarded by outside clubs and groups so that we, as a school community, can celebrate their success.
Assembly formats vary, but often include a hymn from the Christian tradition followed by a talk. Very occasionally parents ask the Head to excuse their child from any Christian part of the proceedings.
We offer Early Bird and After School Care throughout the Infant and Junior School, allowing some pick-up time flexibility for parents.
The Infant School offers the Early Bird provision from 8.00am until 8.30am, when pupils are supervised in Reception class or on the playground. Junior pupils are welcome to the Junior School yard at 8.00am, where there is supervision. A choice of hot and cold breakfast is available in the Senior Dining hall from 7.45am. All staff, parents and pupils are welcome to use this facility, although it is not supervised for Infant and Junior pupils.
We also run an After School Club in both the Infant and Junior School for children whose parents are unable to collect them at the end of the normal day. Pupils are welcome to bring a ‘packed tea’ and they are also given a drink and a biscuit. Each session is planned and managed by the After School Club Manager and her Deputy. Pupils are supervised carefully and guided to participate in a variety of activities including; puzzles, crafts, sports and quizzes.
Parents are able to leave their children in the Infant After School Club until 4.15pm without charge and 4.30pm at Junior School. Infant After School Club finishes at 5.30pm and Junior After School club finishes at 6.00pm.
What’s on this week
25 MarYear 10 Languages Listening Exams
25 MarYear 10 Food Practical Mock
26 MarYear 10 Languages Listening Exams
26 MarYear 10 Food Practical Mock (8.30 - 11.30)
26 MarYear 9 Vaccinations
27 MarYear 10 Languages Listening Exams
27 MarABRSM Exams
28 MarYear 10 Languages Listening Exams
28 MarABRSM Exams
28 MarYear 10 Drama Frantic Assembly
29 MarGold DofE Training Residential
29 MarMusic Tour