Why Choose Us

You will want a supportive, nurturing, challenging and happy environment for your child whereDreamstime xxl 47643123 adult to pupil ratio is low.

At Nottingham High School, our planning encapsulates the fun of childhood. We believe you only encounter Primary School once and therefore it should be the most magical experience possible, paving the way for true happiness and success. With small adult to pupil ratios, we ensure that we know each child personally, academically and pastorally.

We know each child’s strengths and areas for development and through our bespoke tailored planning, we stretch and challenge every child on their individual learning journey, whilst supporting them throughout. We have the luxury of being able to react ‘in the moment’ with your child and adapt our environment and lessons to your child’s need and interests, whilst focussing on individual pastoral and academic goals. We accelerate our pupils’ learning and broaden, enhance and develop their experiences and interest in the outside world through music, sport, swimming, clubs and trips to really foster a love of learning and happiness in school.

Each child’s journey is a unique and bespoke one and we ensure that our teaching is individually tailored to your child’s needs. We focus our attention on nurturing every child’s holistic skills, ensuring they are fully ready and enthusiastic to transition seamlessly into Year 1 both pastorally and academically.