Careers Guidance

Advice and support for educational and occupational decisions

The Careers Department at Nottingham High School exists to support students to:

  • Explore and try out new opportunities
  • Engage with people in a variety of industries
  • Knowingly develop employability skills


A Tailored Approach

At each stage of school, particular aspects of the careers programme take prominence, with the main focus at each stage shown below.

Explore the world of work, meet people doing many different jobs, challenge stereotypes

Years 7-9

Continue to explore; try out new clubs and activities (you might discover a passion for something you’ve never tried before); create opportunities to practise teamwork, communication skills and problem-solving; think about GCSE subject choices and where they can lead


Years 10-11

Understand your own strengths and areas for development; work on developing skills that need more practice; seek out workplace experiences; think about A-level and post-18 choices; take part in volunteer and extra-curricular activities; enter competitions; careers profiling

Year 12

Research post-18 options including apprenticeships, straight to work schemes, gap years and degree courses; work experience; extra-curricular opportunities especially leadership opportunities; mentor younger students; reassess one’s strengths and weaknesses; 360-degree appraisal; interview practice; CV-writing; professional profiles on social media; independent research for awards and competitions

Year 13

Support with apprenticeship and UCAS applications; work experience; interview practice; LinkedIn; competitions; mentoring and leadership opportunities; independent research for awards and competitions

Beyond Sixth Form

Further support is available on request; this year we have helped graduates find work, offered talks on job-hunting skills to Old Nottinghamians, and welcomed recent past pupils, as well as those from many years ago, talk to us about their own career journeys.


The programme of activities runs from our Junior school through to Year 13, with opportunities to meet our wonderful extended community of past pupils, parents and friends of the school. One of our key motivators is ensuring students understand the importance of soft skills, as well as their academic credentials and aim to develop both during their time at school.

We organise talks and events for the pupils, run workshops, encourage entry to competitions that both develop and showcase one’s skills, meet one-to-one for in-depth discussions and also support teachers with career-related activities in lessons.