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A Level Results
Top A-Level results in Nottingham for 2024.
Here at Nottingham High School we are proud to have an excellent record of achieving top A Level results with a 100% pass rate, consistently ranking highly on the local and national league tables. As part of this we work hard to help our students gain places to study at top universities, with many of them achieving their first choice of university.
Nottingham High School is celebrating a very impressive set of A Level Results with 29.9% of all passes at the top A* grade and 65.7% of all passes at A* and A grades. A quite remarkable 65 students have gained 3 A grades or better. 23 students gained at least 3 A* grades and 6 gained at least four A* grades. 6 students have gained places at either Oxford or Cambridge Universities and 18 have gained entry for Medicine. Wherever they are going on to they can be proud of all their hard work and for the people they have become.
32.7% A* Grades
66.8 A*/A Grades
85.7% A*, A and B Grades
“We are really proud of all students in this year group who have worked so hard to secure these outstanding results. They have been supported brilliantly by our staff and by their parents and carers. We are thrilled that they have done so well and that so many have secured places at their first choice university.”
Kevin Fear, Headmaster.
Kevin Fear concluded: “This year group has also contributed so much more outside of the classroom and so they leave us with brilliant qualifications but also they have become really impressive, resilient and quietly confident young people ready to move on to their further education. These qualities and their empathy as individuals are every bit as important as each individual grade. We have really enjoyed working with this cohort and they deserve every success that has come their way. There are many cases where individuals have overcome significant challenges in their lives to get to this point and this makes these results even better.”
2023 results
Nottingham High School is celebrating a strong set of A Level Results with 32.4% of all passes at the top A* grade and 57.6% of all passes at A* and A grades. A quite remarkable 55 students have gained 3 A grades or better. 23 students gained at least 3 A* grades and 4 gained at least four A* grades.
57.6% Passes at A* or A grades
32.4% A* grade passes
4 Students gained at least four A* grades
“We are so proud of all students in this year group who have had to show so much resilience and spirit as they have come up through the School with many challenges along the way. These results are a fitting reward for all the hard work they and their teachers have put in as well as for all the support given by their families. This year group has worked incredibly hard to achieve these very strong results but they have also contributed so much more outside of the classroom and so they leave us with brilliant qualifications but also they have become really impressive, resilient and quietly confident young people ready to move on to their further education. These qualities and their empathy as individuals are every bit as important as each individual grade. We have loved working with this cohort and they deserve every success that has come their way.” - Kevin Fear, Headmaster
Award winning education at a glance
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