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- Inside our Student Wellbeing Centre
Inside our Student Wellbeing Centre
The Nottingham High School Wellbeing Centre is an amazing addition to our school and every member of our community will spend time there, either getting support from staff, accessing services and using the fantastic spaces or, participating in lots of cocurricular activities.
Our Wellbeing Centre promotes a balanced, healthy experience for students’ academic and personal lives, helping them feel supported and ready to face life’s ups and downs. It is of utmost importance to us that all members of our community have the skills, knowledge, and opportunity to develop their resilience in advance of any difficulties they may face and not just when a challenge presents itself. We hope to create a culture where everyone is comfortable in managing their own wellbeing but knows where to seek assistance in how to do this.
We train and support students, their families, and staff, as individuals and as part of our wider education opportunities in school, with a toolkit that they can use independently to anticipate and address the wide-ranging issues that affect us throughout our lives. Any life experience comes with inherent worries, anxieties and new challenges and it is our top priority to equip everyone with the mental and physical resilience to be happy and well.
Why should wellbeing be important to your child?
It can help children learn how to build more positive relationships; gain skills for managing their emotions and behaviour; maintain a healthy body and mind; and develop and improve concentration, motivation, and energy levels, which are all beneficial not only for personal wellbeing but also to their studies. They can also be prepared to tackle any challenges that come their way.
So how will the Wellbeing Centre help your child to support your physical and mental wellbeing?
We all know that wellbeing is fundamental to our overall health and that past experiences and future challenges can all impact our wellbeing, as can physical or emotional trauma. Many of the key influences on mental and physical health and wellbeing happen in and through school, such as relationships with others, academic matters, and sports. Teachers are the 'first port of call' when parents and friends worry about an individual’s mental health, especially as young people’s mental health and their learning are interrelated.
What features does the Wellbeing Centre have?
The Wellbeing Centre is situated at the front of the School, next to the canopy on the front lawns. The building has been fully redeveloped and houses people and spaces to support all members of the Nottingham High School community, from students and their families to staff and the wider community.
- There is an Oasis Room and Garden for those who would benefit from ‘time out’ in a quiet space during the busy school day to chat or read.
- The new Spirituality Space, which looks out on the wonderful Wellbeing Centre Garden, is a venue for prayer and quiet reflection for all students and staff.
- The School Nurse, Jane Potter, and Learning Support Coordinator, Mark Glarvey, have dedicated spaces to support with first aid and any learning needs your child may have.
- Roanna Coles, our Mental Health Lead, works with your child as an individual, and with your family, to ensure they have everything you need to cope with any mental wellbeing challenges that they may face.
- Our Physical Wellbeing Lead, Bharat Samra, works with individuals and groups of students on all aspects of their physical wellbeing, from supporting those participating in elite sport to educating the School community on fitness for life opportunities.
- Upstairs in the Centre, the School Counselling service continue to support students with a wide variety of issues, from friendship concerns to helping develop resilience strategies.
- We offer parent-paid physiotherapy sessions during the school day on Wednesdays, that parents can book for their child as and when their child needs them.
The Individuals Team, which includes Mrs Smith, Mr Gillett, and Miss Gritti will work with students and their families to ensure that they can access the most appropriate level of support both within the Wellbeing Centre and externally.
Mrs Smith, Assistant Head individuals Y7-10, is based in the Wellbeing Centre. She acts as an active listener so that students’ voices are heard and can help shape the strategic development of what the Wellbeing Centre can offer. She is a daily presence and has an overview of how successfully the centre is supporting the School Community.
Mr Gillett, Assistant Head Individuals Year 11-13, is based in the Sixth Form Centre and has significant expertise with the challenges that students face in the lead-up to public examinations and the next steps following A Levels. Alongside the Year 11-13 Senior Tutors, he is best placed to advise students and their families how the Wellbeing Centre staff, spaces and services can help our older students to ensure the best possible outcomes both academically and in terms of mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Many co-curricular activities are held in the Wellbeing Centre. Some of these happen in the light, bright Flexible Space upstairs. Activities will include walking clubs, Wellbeing Warrior sessions such as Yoga and Pilates, self-care and emotional intelligence workshops, life-coaching and meditation groups. Chill and chat happens every day in the Oasis Room, alongside morning prayers and reflection in the Spirituality Space. Cheerleading dance and running clubs are available weekly, alongside stress management classes.
So how can your child access these activities and services?
You and your child have been sent a leaflet giving them lots of information about the Wellbeing Centre, including a What should I do if…. page and some case studies. You or your child can request access to all the Wellbeing Centre’s services and staff via a QR code or form highlighted in the leaflet; or they can just pop along and see Dan Scott, the Administrator, in the Wellbeing Centre’s Reception. Students and parents can chat with their Tutor about the services the Wellbeing Centre offers and get support as needed. The full cocurricular programme has been published by Mr Alexander and your child can join any clubs that grab their interest.
If you or your family would like a tour of the Wellbeing Centre or any further information, just ask your child’s Tutor!
Parent support
We are aware of the wide range of interests and expertise regarding mental and physical wellbeing amongst our parent body and wider community. We would be really grateful for any offers of support for our ‘parent school’ programme, which will include in-person and virtual presentations on all aspects of child and adolescent mental and physical wellbeing, and written and video blogs.
Please contact Lisa Gritti at gritti.l@nottinghamhigh.co.uk for any information – she would really welcome a chat!
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