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Calisthenics Club
“Calisthenics” means beauty and strength. It is a fun form of creative exercise training that consists of using your bodyweight as resistance to learn new physical skills (like handstands, pull-ups, pistol squats), get stronger, move and feel better. Our Calisthenics Club is a great way to stay active in the middle of the day and promote positive physical wellbeing without getting sweaty or too tired for the rest of your school day.
Year Groups: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Location: Flexible Space, Wellbeing Centre
When: Monday, Lunchtime, 12:50 - 13:20, Week A & B
Skills this club promotes: Curiosity, Individuality, Teamwork, Wellbeing
What’s on this week
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23 FebLGBTQ+ Month Starts
24 FebLGBTQ+ Month Starts
25 FebLGBTQ+ Month Starts
26 FebLGBTQ+ Month Starts
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28 FebLGBTQ+ Month Starts
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