Explain Like I'm 5, Club

Ever wanted to learn skills that you might not learn about in academic lessons but will need on a daily basis in adult life? Wondered what council tax is or basic DIY you may need to know in adult life? ELI5 Club is an opportunity to find out more and ask questions in an informal, relaxed setting. Please note: ELI5 Club will run on a “pop-up” basis so may not run every week - keep an eye on emails for a list of dates and topics.    

Year Groups: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Location: Oasis Room, Wellbeing Centre                                  

When: Monday, Lunchtime, 13:20 - 13:50, Week A & B

Skills this club promotes:  Individuality, Resilience, Wellbeing, Problem Solving, Listening & Speaking