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Photography Club
Digital photography skills, including using DSLR cameras and manipulating images using Photoshop. Students will also have the opportunity to join the photography events team, where we attend school events and take photos for the newsletter.
Year Groups: 9, 10
Location: ART3
When: Monday, Lunchtime, 13:10 - 13:50, Week A & B
Skills this club promotes: Excellence, Curiosity, Creativity, Problem Solving
What’s on this week
28 MarYear 10 Languages Listening Exams
28 MarABRSM Exams
28 MarYear 10 Drama Frantic Assembly
29 MarGold DofE Training Residential
29 MarMusic Tour
30 MarGold DofE Training Residential
30 MarMusic Tour
31 MarYear 7 Languages Trip departs
31 MarMusic Tour
01 AprYear 7 Languages Trip departs
01 AprMusic Tour
02 AprYear 7 Languages Trip departs