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Vex Robotics
VEX Robotics hosts the world’s largest robotics competition for students all over the world to compete against one another using a robot of their own design. We use both VEX GO and VEX IQ robots to learn to design, build, code and drive robots. You do not need any previous coding experience! There will be different sessions running at lunchtime and afterschool. Any questions email Dr Jowsey (jowsey.lc@nottinghamhigh.co.uk) or join the google classroom (https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA5NzM0MjExNjIx?cjc=mheomj2)
Year Groups: 7, 8, 9
Location: S01
When: Wednesday, Afterschool, 16:00 - 17:00, Week A & B
Skills this club promotes: Excellence, Curiosity, Teamwork, Problem Solving
What’s on this week
27 MarYear 10 Languages Listening Exams
27 MarABRSM Exams
28 MarYear 10 Languages Listening Exams
28 MarABRSM Exams
28 MarYear 10 Drama Frantic Assembly
29 MarGold DofE Training Residential
29 MarMusic Tour
30 MarGold DofE Training Residential
30 MarMusic Tour
31 MarYear 7 Languages Trip departs
31 MarMusic Tour
01 AprYear 7 Languages Trip departs