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Wellbeing Centre

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For your individual wellbeing journey

Our Wellbeing Centre is here to promote a balanced, healthy experience for students’ academic and personal lives, helping them feel supported and ready to face life’s ups and downs. It is of utmost importance to us that all members of our community have the skills, knowledge and opportunity to develop their resilience in advance of any difficulties they may face and not just when a challenge presents itself. We hope to create a culture where everyone is comfortable in managing their own wellbeing but knows where to seek assistance in how to do this.

Mental and physical resilience to be happy and well


We train and support students, their families and staff, as individuals and as part of our wider education opportunities in school, with a toolkit that they can use independently to anticipate and address the wide ranging issues that affect us throughout our lives. Any life experience comes with inherent worries, anxieties and new challenges and it is our top priority to equip everyone with the mental and physical resilience to be happy and well.

We all know that wellbeing is fundamental to our overall health, and that past experiences and future challenges can all impact on our wellbeing, as can physical or emotional trauma. Many of the key influences on mental and physical health and wellbeing happen in and through school, such as relationships with others, academic matters and sport. Teachers are the ‘first port of call’ when parents and friends worry about an individual’s mental health, especially as young people’s mental health and their learning are inter-related.


Wellbeing Centre Features

The Centre is an amazing addition to our school and every member of our community can spend time there, either getting support from staff, accessing services and the fantastic spaces or participating in lots of cocurricular activities.

The purpose built centre includes:

  • There is an Oasis Room and Garden for those who would feel the benefit from ‘time out’ in a quiet space during the busy school day to chat or read.
  • The new Spirituality Space, which looks out on the wonderful Wellbeing Centre Garden, is a venue for prayer and quiet reflection for all students and staff.
  • Upstairs in the Centre, the School Counselling service continues to support students with a wide variety of issues, from friendship concerns to help develop resilience strategies.
  • We offer physiotherapy sessions during the school day, that parents can book for their child as and when your child needs them. A new Physical Wellbeing Lead will also be appointed soon to work with individuals and groups of students on all aspects of their physical wellbeing, from supporting those participating in elite sport to educating the School community on fitness for life opportunities.
  • There is a small kitchen available for anyone who would prefer to store, prepare or access their own lunch in a quiet space. It could be that you have a specialist diet, are diabetic or would simply prefer to bring your own lunch each day and store it in the Wellbeing Centre.
  • The Mental Health Lead, Miss Roanna Coles, has an office in the Wellbeing Centre. You may be asked to see her to support you with any issues or you can request support via the booking information in this leaflet. Parents can also visit her here. She will usually be available between 08:30-16:30.
  • There is a large bright Flexible space on the first floor that can be used for many different activities, for example, yoga, pilates and cheerleading dance classes! There is a large screen that can be used for virtual classes, such as following along with a wellbeing YouTube video.

Meet The Team

Headshots of Key Staff

Meet The Team

The School Nurse, Jane Potter, and Learning Support Coordinator, Mark Glarvey, have new, dedicated spaces to support with first aid and any learning needs your child may have.

Roanna Coles, our Mental Health Lead, will work with your child as an individual, and with your family, to ensure they have everything you need to cope with any mental wellbeing challenges that they may face.

Mr Scott is the Wellbeing Centre Administrator, available between 08:15 and 16:15. He can support you with any questions you might have or make any appointments for you. He will help monitor the Oasis Room to ensure it remains calm and tidy, support students who are using the Spirituality Space and help you access the School Nurse when you need her.

Mrs Smith, Assistant Head individuals Y7-10, is now based in the Wellbeing Centre.  She will act as an active listener, so that students’ voices are heard and can help to shape the strategic development of what the Wellbeing Centre can offer.  She will also be a daily presence and have an overview of how successfully the centre is supporting the School Community.

You can request support from the Counselling Service by speaking to the Wellbeing Centre Administrator or use the online booking system. 

Find Out More About the Wellbeing Centre